Many fitness trends have shown up over the last decade, and some have stuck around while others lost steam quickly. In the next decade, fitness is taking on a whole new world of accessibility and community, with on-the-go and digital fitness apps and programs emerging every day.

If your 2020 goals include a renewed commitment to fitness, you’re in good luck, no matter how busy you are or what your specific fitness needs are. The most exciting fitness trends of the year include wearable fitness tracking, on-the-go and on demand fitness classes and training and a focus on mental health as well as physical fitness.

If you’re ready to get your savviest sweat on this new year, here are 5 health and fitness trends to follow in 2020.

On-The-Go Fitness
Whether you travel for work, work long hours or simply find it hard to get your workouts in without carrying them with you in your pocket, on-the-go fitness is the way of the future and it’s easier now more than ever to access. Boutique fitness apps make it possible for you to work out from your phone without spending money on expensive classes. Traveling for work won’t put a crimp in your fitness style either, when you can access any fitness activity or class you prefer from where you are.

Community & Social Media Driven
Community and social media driven fitness is on the rise, particularly as women become busier and have less time to be social and get their sweat on separately. Whether it’s local fitness groups like Stroller Strides and Fit 4 Mom that make their way into your community, or social media driven fitness groups that provide resources and support no matter where you live, if it means connection and a solid workout, it’s happening this year.

Digital and On Demand
Whether it’s on demand fitness in the gym or live streaming fitness classes from anywhere in the country in your living room or spare bedroom, you’ll have access to technology to bring the workouts you want when you want them, directly to you.

Fitness at Home
Personal training on your phone, upgraded and tech-savvy community gyms and fitness classes you can stream from your television or computer are all making big moves in 2020. If you prefer to get your sweat on in private, get excited. Fitness at home programs and applications are on the rise, and the technology is evolving fast.

Meditation & Breathwork
As our lives become busier and more technology driven, health and wellness experts agree that we need meditation and relaxation now more than ever. Meditation as a way to finish high intensity workouts, powerful yoga classes and energetic spin classes are headed your way. If you don’t take part in fitness classes, you’ll have access to an array of free and inexpensive meditation and breathing apps that you can use at your convenience, wherever you go.