Spring tends to have the reputation for clean ups and clearing out, but the end of the year is just as good a time as any other to declutter and refresh your space for the new year ahead. As the year comes to a close and you prepare for holiday celebrations, gatherings and cheer, take time to get rid of what no longer serves you and make space for a new beginning.

An end of the year declutter process is fairly simple, and begins with donating, selling or throwing away items you no longer use. Then, it’s time to evaluate your medicine cabinet and pantry, making sure to throw out expired or spoiled products. While you’re at it, check out your cleaning products and linen closet. Let’s face it, 5 year old antibacterial wipes and 10 year old hand towels might not be the best defense against cold and flu season, anyway.

Giving your apartment or townhome an end of the year refresh will help clear the physical and mental space you need to set and crush your goals in the new year. Here are simple tips to help you get started.

Donate, Sell or Toss
The end of the year is the best time to get those last donations in, and that means combing through your clothes, accessories, shoes, furnishings and gadgets to determine what you really, truly want and need. Set up 3 bins in your living room, one each for donating, selling or tossing.

Medicine Cabinet Cleanup
It’s been a year since your last cold and flu season, and your medicine cabinet may still be housing last year’s prescriptions and over the counter medications. Grab a trash bag, and throw out expired or spoiled products, making sure to include makeup, chapstick and sunscreen, while you’re at it.

Pantry & Refrigerator Refresh
While many condiments and non-perishable goods have a long shelf life, they do ultimately expire. Go through your refrigerator and toss old condiments, expired food products or other items that no longer look edible. Move through your pantry shelf by shelf, tossing spilled, opened or expired products. Once you’re done, use a vacuum to suck up any spills and wipe down those shelves to have them shiny and bright for the new year!

Cleaning Products
Yes, cleaning products do expire, and now is the time to go through your cabinets and toss expired, spoiled and old products. You’ll want your cleaning game to be strong during cold and flu season, and that means making sure that your products are safe and effective. Get rid of old antibacterial sprays and cleansers and replace them with new to keep your home clean and germ-free!

If you’ve been neglecting the deep contents of your linen closet, now is the time to go through it with a fine-toothed comb. Ten year old towels and sheets can be donated to animal shelters, and if your blanket collection is bursting out of control, consider donating to a homeless shelter nearby.