The holidays are a time for celebration, but too much celebrating can lead to holiday burnout and stress. Social calendars can fill up fast, and holiday parties can include eating and drinking to excess. Add into that equation the endless shopping and spending, and you might find yourself feeling less celebratory and more frazzled come late December.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying holiday parties, delicious sweets and sparkling cocktails, there are consequences to having too much of a good thing. This year, commit to moderation, self-care and listening to your own needs as you navigate another exciting season. The more you stay rested, hydrated and attuned to your body’s physical and emotional needs, the better you’ll feel once the holidays come to an end. Staying rested and alert will also help you to make good financial choices that can prevent a hefty credit card bill down the road.

Here are simple tips to help you have a stress-free holiday season!

Just Say No
Somewhere between work parties, family events, gatherings with friends and your normal work and life commitments, it’s likely that you’re going to have to say no to avoid stress and burnout. Give yourself permission to do as much as you can and want to do, and to say no to events and activities that you know will cost you in the end. Try to plan ahead, and commit to only one holiday event a week, so that you can maintain your daily routines and get the rest you need to feel your best.

Sleep More and Often
We know late night holiday parties happen, but try to avoid too many of them. Staying up too late and cutting down on your nightly sleep needs will cost you, and it will cost you big. Not only will it lower your immunity, but it will affect your mood and overall sense of well-being. Try to stick to your normal bedtime and wake up routine throughout the holiday season, and if you stay up late, try to recoup that lost sleep the night after. Your body and mind will thank you!

Self-Care Saves
While the holidays are all about giving, don’t forget to give to yourself, too. Take care of your physical, mental and emotional needs throughout the holiday season, and see this as a necessary part of fueling up so that you can give out. The holidays can bring families together who do not get along or bring up painful memories and reminders of loss. It’s especially important to be extra careful and gentle with yourself now, so that you can face any times of difficulty with a sense of calm and grounding. Take extra yoga classes, go for more walks in the brisk, autumn air. Schedule a massage or a deep house-cleaning, or take a weekend away to enjoy quiet and relaxation.

Start Early
Don’t leave all of your holiday cooking, baking and shopping to the last minute. Start early, and give yourself extra time to fit in the traditions you love. If you have a big family to shop for, begin immediately, and space out the shopping to help you manage your budget and finish on time. Cooking and baking needs can be tackled early by stocking up on ingredients and materials you’ll need, well in advance. Give yourself more time than you think you need to accomplish everything on your holiday list. You’ll thank yourself in January!

Diet & Exercise
We don’t recommend putting yourself on a diet during the holidays, but we do recommend that you watch your consumption and stay active to keep your body feeling strong and healthy. While you won’t want to avoid sweets completely, try to limit your sugar intake. While you’re at it, watch your alcohol and caffeine consumption, and make sure to drink lots of water every day. When possible, schedule workouts, yoga and movement to clear your mind and invigorate your body.